The Sherwood Chronicles
The Sherwood Chronicles
Who knew writing was so addictive? In order to keep connected with my readers, I finally have my blog, The Sherwood Chronicles up and running! In my blog I will share books, games, movies, music, and anything else that has inspire me, life moments that have made me who I am, and let you get to know me. I am also currently working on a news letter, The Sherwood Scrolls that you will be able to subscribe to monthly, and get updates on new book releases, signing events, and so much more! Until then, enjoy my digital art updates and sink your teeth into Argent Myst Avowed! Experience the magic!!!
Who knew writing was so addictive? In order to keep connected with my readers, I finally have my blog, The Sherwood Chronicles up and running! In my blog I will share books, games, movies, music, and anything else that has inspire me, life moments that have made me who I am, and let you get to know me. I am also currently working on a news letter, The Sherwood Scrolls that you will be able to subscribe to monthly, and get updates on new book releases, signing events, and so much more! Until then, enjoy my digital art updates and sink your teeth into Argent Myst Avowed! Experience the magic!!!

The Vampire Diaries
These are the. very books that started it all…
To see how these novels inspired my own writing, check out my blog:
The Twilight Diaries

The pain will not last forever.
Although it feels like life is hopeless at times…the pain will not last forever.

Argent Myst Afterlife
The Argent Myst Trilogy

Darkness Fades
There isn’t a flood that will not subside.

A conversation with your inner child.

It’s Fall!!!
Fall is here! What does that mean for us desert dwellers?

Time Out
Take a Time Out

For all my lovely-lady friends…
Ladies….Listen To Your Body.

I’m So EXTRA!!!
I’m So EXTRA!!!
The Journey of Natty Gann
The Journey of Natty Gann

Music is My Muse

The Twilight Diaries
The Twilight Diaries
How a love of vampires began.

The Silly Semicolon
The Silly Semicolon
What does it look like to you?
Lisa Renee Sherwood is the American author of the paranormal romance series Argent Myst. She was born and raised in The Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona, but longs for the green forests, misty beaches, and rainy climate of the Pacific Northwest. Lisa is an avid gamer and enjoys playing World of Warcraft, Tomb Raider, and any other games that stimulate her imagination. When she isn’t writing, she also enjoys painting, sketching, and creating digital art. She is a married, mother of two, who is fascinated with medieval history, the occult, and all things related to the ocean. She is most passionate about creating a world that you can’t put down, and characters that you’ll emotionally embrace.
Argent Myst
Creator: LR Sherwood