“I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.”
— ” Vincent van Gogh
Creating art as inspiration for my writing is one of the things I am most passionate about. The digital world allows me to bring my characters to life.
Zara Larsson: Uncover
Digital Art Created By: LR Sherwood
Remaking Mermaid Magic
Creator: LR Sherwood
Remaking Mermaid Magic
Once upon a time…I painted my very first mural on my daughter’s nursery wall while pregnant with her. Today I recreated that image on my phone and made it come alive!!!
Acrylic Hand Painted Mural 2005
Digital Painting 2022
Celebrating Fall
Fall Is Here!
Creator: LR Sherwood
When I think about fall, I typically envision orange leaves, cool crisp days, and pumpkin spice muffins with a hot cup of tea. But I also think about the opportunity for new beginnings. Every year when the trees shed their leaves, its a new opportunity to grow back better, stronger, and more vibrant. I look forward to new beginnings as I watch this years memories fall away and make room for next years adventures.
Waiting For Winter
The temperature has finally dipped below 100 degrees!! That means the holidays are right around the corner. Being raised in the desert, we don’t often get to see snow. I can count on one hand the amount of times I have seen the fluffy-white, cold phenomenon. Hopefully someday that will change and I will be blessed to experience a white Christmas. This creation helps me dream of that day.
Waiting For Winter
Creator: LR Sherwood
The Druid
In the gaming world a Druid is a spellcaster that can harness the powers of nature and the elements to cause spell damage, heal, and resurrect party members. In most games, the Druid is also a shapeshifter and can take on animal forms. For this reason, this was the first toon that I created when I was introduced to World of Warcraft. In ancient Celtic religion, they were healers, magicians, priests, and mediums. the Druid has always been a symbol of nature to me. This image captures that essence.
The Druid
Creator: LR Sherwood
Created By: LR Sherwood
Sometimes you need to go outside the box to locate your creativity. This one went WAY outside that box, but I LOVE it!!
Creator: LR Sherwood
Beach Bonfire
Creator: LR Sherwood
“We dream in colors borrowed from the sea.”
– Unknown
I took this photo of the sunrise on the last day of our honeymoon in Kauai. Making this image come alive takes me back to the warm tropical days, the soft sandy beaches, and the crystal clear waters.
Nothing But The Night
Creator: LR Sherwood
Nature is Needed
Living in the center of a concrete city, it’s hard to imagine nature. I often find myself craving the outdoors, the fresh air, the birds singing, and the wind whistling through the tree’s. Nature downloads are important. Make sure you take time out of the hectic day to day, to look at the stars and remember, Nature is needed.
The French Quarter
Creator: L.R. Sherwood
Sometimes art begets art.
When I get stumped or backed into a corner with my writing, I call on other forms of art to boost my creativity. Listening to music, painting, sketching, and digital creations are some of the many ways that I conquer that creative crisis.
The Huntress
Creator: L.R. Sherwood
Making Magic.
I love creating magical worlds to get lost in, both in my writing and my art. I design worlds from scratch, magical scenes that you would not normally find in the modern world.