I’m So EXTRA!!!
This weekend I did something I have NEVER done before. I volunteered to be an extra in a short horror film. I have always held a fascination for acting, but never had the nerve to see it through. I am the definition of an overthinker and cannot seem to get out of my own head.
I longed to participate in school productions in junior high and high school but was terrified of making a fool out of myself in front of my peers. I do that well enough all on my own! So instead, my dad enrolled my in acting classes through a local talent agent. I learned mostly how to deliver PSA’s and commercial acting. But I was never able to move beyond that, because of my fear.
Flash forward thirty or so years and I am finally at a place in my life, where the desire to try new experiences outweighs my fear. I am SO GLAD I went!
I met so many amazing people. Everyone was very welcoming and fun, yet still professional. I learned so much and got a glimpse into the “behind the scenes” of movie magic. The flawless productions we all enjoy on the daily…. are A LOT of work. So many takes for ONE scene! All the many angles and positions to shoot from. The many ways the same line can be delivered and the fluctuations in tone and expressions completely transforming words into movie magic.
It was so easy to take character when everyone around you is so invested in the project. I had not an ounce of self-consciousness once we got going. I learned so much through this experience. Not just about the production industry, but also about myself.
So please! If you ever find yourself too scared to go for your dreams or to try something new. Get out of your head and look forward to embracing a new part of yourself.