Argent Myst Afterlife

Happy New Year! So far 2023 isn’t looking too shabby!

I have officially submitted the manuscript for Argent Myst Afterlife, to my editor as well as to the copyright office!

AND I am already a quarter of the way through the final and last book of the Argent Myst Trilogy: Ashes to Ashes.

This story has haunted me for well over thirty years. To be able to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, is surreal. I almost can’t wrap my head around it.

These characters have grown up with me. They’ve helped me through so many struggles, hardships, losses, and betrayals. But they have also shown me how to embrace the good times and to see the beauty in the simple things.

Writing this final chapter, is like saying goodbye to a dear friend. Perhaps that is why I took so long to finally finish writing it.

Because, once I am done…what will I write about next?

I have TONS of ideas! So many plots sketched out in my head…but will they fill me with the same passion, the same longing, and the same euphoric joy that Argent Myst has brought me?

The only way to know for sure, is to see this through.

I will send my beloved characters off with the epic ending they deserve and hope that anyone who gives my life’s work a chance, loves my characters as much as I have over the last three decades.


The pain will not last forever.


Darkness Fades